- Overview
- Features
- Screenshots
Want to be an author? Maybe you already are one.
Do you find yourself editing rather than writing? This app will help you on your way. With (very) limited editing ability all you can really do is write.
All the great writers recommend writing 1000 words a day to get you in the habit of writing. It doesn’t matter what you write as long as you write.
The app supports you in writing those 1000 words because it makes writing easy, and editing almost impossible (for those of us who get caught up in editing rather than writing). You can only backspace 5 characters and you cannot copy and paste.
If you save your work or quit the app before the 1000 words target is reached it will save it as a text document which cannot be opened in this app.
Look on it as an ideas app as well as one that flexes your writing muscles. Try it for free-writing to unlock ideas. Free-writing is unplanned, fast, unedited and uncensored writing. You’ll end up with a lot of nonsense but you’ll also get a lot of ideas. Or use it to get that novel actually written — 1000 words a day adds up to 30,000 words a month!
You can close the app before you reach 1000 words but you might as well use any other text editor for that. Trouble is in any other text editor you can edit, which won’t get your writing done.
Once you hit 1000 words you can save the document as a text file then open it in any other app which opens text documents and edit to your heart’s content. At least you will have achieved that 1000 word goal.
A word count and little encouragements help keep you going.
Out of your 1000 words there will always be something you can use that makes sense.
"Write as fast as you can, not as well as you can." Howard Becker
☞ macOS 10.12 or later
Very limited editing
No copy & paste
No cursor keys
No save during writing
No distractions
Optional 500 word target
Words of encouragement
Dark mode support
Runs natively on Apple silicon (M1)
How do I save what I've written?
On reaching your word target (default 1000) the Save command will become available. Also, if you Quit 1000 Words you will be given a Save option.
Why is there no Open command?
1000 Words is not a text editor so it does not open saved documents. However, 1000 Words saves in plain text so you can easily open its saved documents in any other editor on your Macintosh such as TextEdit.
Why don't my cursor keys work?
The app is designed to encourage you to write and keep writing. Editing your text is a certain way to stop you writing so the cursor keys will not work until you have reached your word target.
Why can't I copy and paste?
The app is designed to encourage you to write and keep writing. Editing your text is a certain way to stop you writing so Copy will not work until you have reached your word target. The Paste function is not available.
Why has my backspace key stopped working?
1000 Words allows the deletion of five characters in succession but no more. The backspace key will not work again until you have written at least another five characters. This is to discourage editing and keep you writing regardless.
Will there be VoiceOver support?
Yes. I hope to include it in the next release.